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Code for Tax adjustment in Free text Invoice in MSD axapta

This is a Code for Tax adjustment in Free text Invoice in axapta. You can try this code in job to check the effect of adjustment. CustInvoiceTable _custInvoiceTable; CustInvoiceCalcTax custInvoiceCalcTax; TaxFreeInvoice _taxFreeInvoice; TaxRegulation _taxRegulation; ; ttsbegin; select firstonly _custInvoiceTable where _custInvoiceTable.InvoiceId == "test5"; custInvoiceCalcTax = new CustInvoiceCalcTax_Table(_custInvoiceTable); _taxFreeInvoice = new TaxFreeInvoice(custInvoiceCalcTax); _taxFreeInvoice.calc(); _taxRegulation = TaxRegulation::newTaxRegulation(_taxFreeInvoice); _taxRegulation.allocateAmount(33.47); _taxRegulation.saveTaxRegulation();

Code to Tax adjustment for Ledger Journal in MSD axapta

This is a Code to Tax adjustment for Ledger Journal in axapta You can try this code in Job in AOT. I hope it can help you to get class and method details for tax adjustment. LedgerJOurnalTrans LJTrans; TaxLedgerJournalCalculate taxLedgerJournalCalculate; TaxLedgerJournal taxLedgerJournal; TaxRegulation TaxReg; ; ttsbegin; select firstonly LJTrans  where LJTrans.JournalNum == "000787_j"; taxLedgerJournal = TaxLedgerJournal::construct(TaxJournalCall::Journal, LJTrans, null); TaxReg = new TaxRegulation(); taxLedgerJournal.calcAndPost(); TaxReg.setTax(taxLedgerJournal); TaxReg.createSumsFromTmp(); TaxReg.allocateAmount(7.8); TaxReg.saveTaxRegulation();

Inventory Value By Inventory Dimension report in MSD Axapta

If you want to know inventory value with dimension details then you can Go to Inventory Report from following menu path. Inventory Management -> Reports -> Status -> Inventory Value By Inventory Dimension In this report you can select dimension like batchid,warehouse, inventory location etc. Inventory value you will get correct after inventory recalculation and closing.

Trial balance report in MSD axapta

Trial balance report is to show closing balance of particular period. If you want to know opening debit,credit,current period debit and credit amount and balance till date for particular account then you can get details from following report. General Ledger -> Reports -> Transaction -> Periodic -> Trial Balance You can view  report by using summary and details option. You can check other option to know more details about report.

Critical Hotfixes for Inventory in MSD Axapta 2009 Rollup 5(RU 5) or Higher

Change current session date in MSD axapta

To Change current session date in axapta you can find in following menu. Tools- > Session date If you will change session date for your client then it will change for your client session only it will not affect other users session. Once you will close your ax client then real current date will be set automatically.