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Sending Report through email in axapta

This is the sample code for Sending Report through email in axapta. This cod you can use in any version of Ax (3.0,4.0,2009,2012 etc)

 void reportSendMail(PrintJobSettings p1)  
 //SysINetMail m = new SysINetMail(); // Mo : Commented out old AX code  
 System.Net.Mail.MailMessage mailMessage;  
 System.Net.Mail.Attachment attachment;  
 System.Net.Mail.AttachmentCollection attachementCollection;  
 System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient myMail;  
 System.Net.Mail.MailAddress mailFrom;  
 System.Net.Mail.MailAddress mailTo;  
 str userMailAddress;  
 str receiverMailAddress;  
 str mailBody;  
 str smtpServer;  
 fileNameOpen fileNameForEmail;  
 str mail;  
 FileIOPermission perm;  
 userinfo userInfo;  
 //end Declaration  
 str fileName = 'axaptareport';  
 if (p1.format() == PrintFormat::ASCII)  
 fileNameForEmail = subStr(p1.fileName(),strLen(p1.fileName())-3,-999)+'TXT'; // Mo : NL  
 //fileName = fileName + '.txt'; // Mo Commented this line  
 else if (p1.format() == PrintFormat::RTF)  
 fileNameForEmail = subStr(p1.fileName(),strLen(p1.fileName())-3,-999)+'RTF';  
 //fileName = fileName + '.rtf';  
 else if (p1.format() == PrintFormat::HTML)  
 fileNameForEmail = subStr(p1.fileName(),strLen(p1.fileName())-3,-999)+'HTM';  
 //fileName = fileName + '.htm';  
 //else if (p1.format() == PrintFormat::PDF) // Mohammed :Performance Testing : commentign this line and replacing the line below.  
 else if (p1.format() == PrintFormat::PDF || p1.format() == PrintFormat::PDF_EMBED_FONTS)// Mohammed :Performance Testing :(replacing the above line) addign this line as it was present in the jsRemotecontroller project.. can be removedd later..  
 fileNameForEmail = subStr(p1.fileName(),strLen(p1.fileName())-3,-999)+'PDF';  
 //fileName = fileName + '.pdf';  
 // mail = subStr(fileNameforEmail,(strlen(fileNameforEmail)-18),18);  
 mail = Tmpemplname;  
 select firstonly name from userInfo where == SysuserInfo::find().Id; // to find the user name  
 fileNameforEmail = winApi::getTempPath() + mail; // store attachment in a temp location  
 perm = new FileIOPermission(fileNameforEmail,'w');  
 throw error("Cannot move attachment to temp location.");  
 throw error("Cannot gain access to Temp location.");  
 userMailAddress = SysUserInfo::find().Email; // find current users email address setup up in user //options  
 receiverMailAddress = p1.mailTo(UserEmailid);  
 mailFrom = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(userMailAddress,;  
 mailTo = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(receiverMailAddress,"");  
 mailBody = "Hi, "+ '\n' + '\n' + "PFA." + '\n' + '\n' + ";  
 smtpServer = SysEmaiLParameters::find(false).SMTPRelayServerName;// using the SMTP server ip //setup in email Parameters  
 mailMessage = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(mailFrom,mailTo);  
 // winapi::moveFile(p1.fileName(), fileNameforEmail);  
 winapi::copyFile(p1.fileName(), fileNameforEmail);  
 attachementCollection = mailMessage.get_Attachments();  
 attachment = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(fileNameforEmail);  
 myMail = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient(smtpServer);  
 FinalFlag = true;  
 winApi::deleteFile(fileNameforEmail); // delete temp file  

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