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How to use Array in MSD axapta

Array in axapta

An array is a list of values that are all of the same data type, as opposed to a container that can consist of values of different types.
The list of values starts with element 1. If you set a value to index number 0 of an array, the array is reset.

There are two different ways of using an array. You can either use a fixed-length array if you know how many elements (max) you will have in the array. If you don't know how many elements can be stored in the array at run time, you can use a dynamic array.
In addition to this, you can also specify something called "partly on disk arrays" that specify how many elements that should be loaded into memory when the array is referenced. This might be a good performance optimization if you have arrays with a lot of data.

static void Datatypes_array(Args _args)
// Fixed lenght array
str licenceNumber[10];
// Fixed lenght array partly on disk.
// 200 elements will be read into memory when this array
// is accessed.
int serviceMilage[1000,200];
// Dynamic array
str customers[];
// Dynamic lenght array partly on disk.
// 50 elements will be read into memory when this array
// is accessed.
Amount prices[,50];

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