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Cluster Group Error on Dynamics 365 SQL database side | Fail the cluster group on SQL side


Error on Event Log for Dynamics 365 database side.

Clustered role 'D365AG' has exceeded its failover threshold.  It has exhausted the configured number of failover attempts within the failover period of time allotted to it and will be left in a failed state.  No additional attempts will be made to bring the role online or fail it over to another node in the cluster.  Please check the events associated with the failure.  After the issues causing the failure are resolved the role can be brought online manually or the cluster may attempt to bring it online again after the restart delay period.

Following things you can try.

1. Restart all server and check admin user in tempdb databse right after restart if no permission then attach user to tempdb database.

2.Most of the problem resolve on restart of servers.

3. If still issue not solved then
After some research, we traced it to the ‘Maximum failures in the specified period’ setting at the cluster group (service application) level. You can increase the maximum failure in the specified period to 60 and period hours to 1.

4. If still issue not resolve then create new cluster group and attach it. I hope you problem will resolve after this.


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