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The most important properties of tables in axapta

The most important properties of tables in axapta

• TitleField1 and TitleField2: Specify fields that are displayed in the active title bar of forms
• ConfigurationKey and SecurityKey: Specify that only users authorized to access the data can do so. We strongly recommend setting these options.
• CacheLookup: Specifies how the table is to be cached to optimize data access.
• CreateRecIdIndex: Allows you to create a RECID index. Axapta automatically adds
a RECID to every table when its created, so that you can use it as an index; however, if you have a well-designed data model, then that should not be necessary.
• PrimaryIndex and ClusterIndex: Specifies which field is your primary and clusteredindex, which requires that you have created the respective fields beforehand.
Defining tables consists of creating the table itself and the following subtypes:
• Fields: Dictates where your data is actually placed, and when you create these you specify the base data type each holds. However, you should as a rule set the Extended Data Type (EDT) property to an existing one so that the definition is maintained centrally for ease of reuse and maintenance.
• Field groups: Allows you to group fields that are normally used together, such as name and surname, so that you can reference them as a block when you need to use them.
• Indexes: Defines indexes that you need to optimize data access to your table.
• Relations: Defines relations between the table and others for enforcing relationalconstraints.
• DeleteActions: Specifies what to do with related tables when you delete a record; you specify a table that is the subject of the action and the action that has possible values:
• None: Disables the delete action
• Cascade: Deletes related records
• Restricted: Prohibits deletion if related records exist
• Cascade+Restricted: Behaves like the Restricted value if you delete a record directly in the table, but cascades if the record is deleted as the result of a cascading delete on a table higher on the cascade chain

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