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Showing posts with the label excel application finalize

Adding Progress bar in form or report in axapta

Adding Progress bar in form or report in axapta is not so tough I just try this code. SysOperationProgress progress,progressexcel; str tmpb,tmpogroup,tmpo,tmpb; ; progressexcel = new SysOperationProgress(); progressexcel.setCaption('Progress'); progressexcel.setText('Printing To Excel..Please Wait'); super(); startLengthyOperation(); element.oQuery(); element.close(); progressexcel.setTotal(8000); excelApplication = new COM("excel.application"); excelWorkBooks = excelApplication.workBooks(); excelWorkBook = excelWorkBooks.add(); excelWorkSheets = excelWorkBook.worksheets(); excelApplication.visible(false); excelWorkSheet = excelApplication.activeSheet(); styles = excelWorkBook.styles(); style = styles.add('MyStyle'); font = style.font(); font.bold(true); range = excelWorkSheet.Range("A1:C1");'MyStyle'); range.MergeCells(true); range.value2(CompanyI...