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Showing posts with the label syntax of while statement

Complete syntax of while select statement in MSDAX

Complete syntax of while select statement [while] select [reverse] [firstfast] [firstonly] [forupdate] [nofetch] [crosscompany] [forcelitterals | forceplaceholders] [forcenestedloop] [forceselectorder] [ * | <fieldlist> from] <tablebuffer> [ index [hint] <indexname> ] [ group by {<field>} ][ order by {<field> [asc][desc]} ] [ where <expression> ] [ [ outer | exists | notexists ] join [reverse][ * | <fieldlist> from] <tablebuffer> [ index <indexname> ][ aggregate [sum] [avg] [minof] [maxof] [count]][ group by {<field>} ] [ order by {<field> [asc][desc]} ][ where <expression> ]]<fieldlist> ::= <field> | <fieldlist> , <field> <field> ::= fieldname | <function>(<field>) <function> ::= sum | avg | minof | maxof | count