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Showing posts with the label smtp

Code to send mail From Enterprise portal web page using dataset in MSDAX

This is Code to send mail From Enterprise portal web page using dataset in axapta. Following code you can write in ascx page and you can get required mail parameter from dataset by writing data method with return values. string fromId, toId, smtpHost, userIdpw, Body; int smtpport; MailMessage message = new MailMessage(); SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient(); fromId = (string)this.DatasetNm.GetDataSet().DataSetRun.AxaptaObjectAdapter.Call("fromEmailId"); toId = (string)this.DatasetNm.GetDataSet().DataSetRun.AxaptaObjectAdapter.Call("toEmailId"); smtpHost = (string)this.DatasetNm.GetDataSet().DataSetRun.AxaptaObjectAdapter.Call("smtpHost"); smtpport = (int)this.DatasetNm.GetDataSet().DataSetRun.AxaptaObjectAdapter.Call("smtpport"); userIdpw = (string)this.DatasetNm.GetDataSet().DataSetRun.AxaptaObjectAdapter.Call("userIdpw"); Body = (string)this.DatasetNm.GetD...