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Showing posts with the label vendpackingslipjour

Ax 2012 purchase order posting classes tables

Following are the Ax 2012 purchase order posting class on different stages of postings. 1. Purchase order confirmation- Class name -purchpurchorderjouranlcreate  2.Purchase order reciptlist-Class name -purchreciptlistjournalpost 3. Purchase order packing slip or GRN-Class name -purchpackingslipjournalpost 4. Purchase order invoice-Class name -purchinvoicejournalpost Above are posting class will hit while posting your purchase order with confirmation,receipt list,packing,invoice . If you are facing any issue then you can put debug on required methods on above classes as per posting. 1.Tables Hits to store final Purchase order confirmation  Purchpurchaseorderjour,purchpurchase order trans 2.Tables Hits to store final Purchase order GRN Vendpackingslipjour and Vendpackingsliptrans 3.Tables Hits to store final Purchase order Invoice Vendinvoicejour and vendInvoiceTrans