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Showing posts with the label Create Graph and load data to graph using axapta

Create Graph and load data to graph using MSD axapta

void createGraph1() { //SalesLine salesline; LedgerBudget ledgerBudget; int i,k; str month; // date createddate; #macrolib.ChartFx ; graphics1 = Graphics::newGraphicsTitlesLayout(ChartX1, 100, 200,'Title', 'X', 'Y', 'z',1 ,1, 1, 1); graphics1.create(); graphics1.parmTitle("MonthWise Comparison(G)"); graphics1.parmTitleXAxis('Month'); graphics1.parmTitleYAxis('Amount'); ChartX1.Chart3D(true); ChartX1.toolBar(true); //graphics.Gallery(9); graphics1.parmHeight(350); graphics1.parmWidth(450); AllocApr=0; AllocMay=0; AllocJun=0; AllocJul=0; AllocAug=0; AllocSept=0; AllocOct=0; AllocNov=0; AllocDec=0; AllocJan=0; AllocFeb=0; AllocMar=0; while select * from LedgerBudget where LedgerBudget.Key!="" //ledgerBudget.AccountNum==ledgerTable.AccountNum { // DivisionName=divnm; // if (salesline.createdDate >= fromDate &...