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Showing posts with the label virtual comany in microsoft dynamics

Virtual Company in Axapta

Axapta supports what it designates as virtual company accounts. These allow you to create collections of data that are common to various real company accounts.  This is a useful feature that allows you to share postal codes, product base data, customers, suppliers, and so on across the whole system. To work with virtual company accounts, access the Virtual Company Accounts form by selecting Administration ➤Setup ➤Virtual Company Accounts. In the first tab of the form that appears, Virtual Company Accounts,In the second tab, Company Accounts, you have two panes and two transfer buttons that allow you to select which companies are associated with the virtual company. The third and last tab, Table Collections, features two panes and a couple of transfer buttons. The panes display the table collections that are associated with the virtual account selected and those available Table collections are collections of Axapta tables that for the most part support virtual companies. They...