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Code for uploading image file in table using MSD axapta

Code for uploading image file in table using x++ code FilenameFilter filter = ['Image Files', '*.bmp;*.jpg;*.gif;*.jpeg']; BinData binData = new BinData(); str extest, filepath, nameofFile; ; super(); imageFilePathName = WinAPI::getOpenFileName(element.hWnd(),filter,'',"abc"); if(imageFilePathName && WinAPI::fileExists(imageFilePathName)) { [filepath, nameOfFile,extest] = fileNameSplit(imageFilePathName); if(extest== '.bmp' || extest== '.jpg' || extest== '.gif' || extest== '.jpeg') { bindata.loadFile(imageFilePathName); imageContainer = bindata.getData(); TestTable.Image =imageContainer; TestTable.write(); } else { throw error("Error in uploading"); } }