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Showing posts with the label error on Event log at the time of EP Site creation

error on Event log at the time of EP Site creation in MSDAX

Following error on Event log at the time of EP Site creation. How could we resolve this error. If I will resolve then will post answer soon. SQL Database 'SharePoint_Config_26c83dac-e459-49a3-80f5-10c1b1dee635' on SQL Server instance 'np:\\.\pipe\MSSQL$Microsoft##SSEE\sql\query' not found. Additional error information from SQL Server is included below. Cannot open database "SharePoint_Config_26c83dac-e459-49a3-80f5-10c1b1dee635" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'test\bcproxy'. Could you put your comment for this error