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Showing posts with the label Display Multi header using same report on different menu click

Display Multi header using same report on different menu click in Axapta

public void init() { ; super(); salesTable = element.args().record(); DealerInvoice = element.args().parmEnum(); if ( DealerInvoice == DealerInvoice::Original) { headTxt = "Original"; } else if ( DealerInvoice == DealerInvoice::Gatecopy) { headTxt = "Gate Copy"; } else if ( DealerInvoice == DealerInvoice::ExtraCopy) { headTxt = "Extra Copy"; } else if ( DealerInvoice == DealerInvoice::DuplicateForTransporter) { headTxt = "Duplicate For Transporter"; } else if ( DealerInvoice == DealerInvoice::TriplicateForAssesses) { headTxt = "Triplicate For Assesses"; } }