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Showing posts with the label recurrence for batch job in ax 2012

How to set recurrence for batch job in ax 2012

Step 1: (‎05-‎Mar-‎17 12:42:41 PM) User left click on "Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (menu item)" Step 2: (‎05-‎Mar-‎17 12:42:43 PM) User left click on MSD‬ [‎‪xyz‬‪: ‎‪Session ID‬ - ‎‪3‬‬]‎ - ‎ [‎‪1‬ - ‎‪usmf‬ - ‎‪initial‬]‎ (list item)" Step 3: (‎05-‎Mar-‎17 12:42:45 PM) User left click on "BatchJob (link)" in test‬ [‎‪xyz‬‪: ‎‪Session ID‬ - ‎‪3‬‬]‎ - ‎ [‎‪1‬ - ‎‪usmf‬ - ‎‪initial‬]‎" Step 4: (‎05-‎Mar-‎17 12:42:47 PM) User mouse drag start on "‪Batch job‬ (‎‪1‬)‎‪ - ‎‪‪‪Job description‬: ‎‪Change based alerts‬‬, ‎‪‪Withhold‬‬‬, ‎‪Partition Key: initial‬‬ (window)" in "‪Batch job‬ (‎‪1‬)‎‪ - ‎‪‪‪Job description‬: ‎‪Change based alerts‬‬, ‎‪‪Withhold‬‬‬, ‎‪Partition Key: initial‬‬" Previous Next Step 5: (‎05-‎Mar-‎17 12:42:48 PM) User mouse drag end on "‪Batch job‬ (‎‪1‬)‎‪ - ‎‪‪‪Job description‬: ‎‪Change based alerts‬‬, ‎‪‪Withhold‬‬‬, ‎‪Partition Key: ini...