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Showing posts with the label add run time control in form

Show field of run time control in MSD axapta

public void showFields(tableId tableId,FormGridControl formGridControl1, FormBuildDataSource formDataSource1) { FormStringControl formStringControl1,formStringControl2; DictTable dictTable; DictTable dictTable1; DictTable dictTable2; fieldId fieldId; int i; int t; int fieldCnt; Query Q1; str ColValue[]; str strQuery; object formRunCaller; ; formRunCaller = element.args().caller(); testId1=formRunCaller.MethodA(); dictTable1 = new DictTable(_TestColumn.TableId); // dictTable2 = new DictTable(_TestRows.TableId); dictTable = new DictTable(tableId); select * from _TestColumn where _TestColumn.QId == _Question.QId && _TestColumn.TestId==testId1 ; if(_TestColumn) { ColValue[1] = _TestColumn.Col1; ColValue[2] = _TestColumn.Col2; ColValue[3] = _TestColumn.Col3; ColValue[4] = _TestColumn.Col4; ColValue[5] = _TestColumn.Col5; ColValue[6] = _TestColumn.Col6; ColValue[7] = _TestColumn.Col7; ColValu...