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Get All the fields in a table through code in MSD axapta

Get All the fields in a table through code The idea behind writing this job is to make clear the concepts of sqlDictionay and how to get the fields from a table. Also a little introduction to file generation class(TextBuffer).This job create a CSV file by name fieldlist in C: drive static void fieldsInTable(Args _args) { str fieldList = ''; SqlDictionary sqlDictionary; TextBuffer buffer = new TextBuffer(); ; while select * from sqlDictionary where sqlDictionary.tabId==tablenum(salestable) { fieldList += sqlDictionary.sqlName; fieldlist += '\r'; } if (fieldList) fieldList = subStr(fieldList,1,strLen(fieldList)-1); buffer.setText(fieldlist); buffer.toFile("c:\\fieldslist.csv"); }