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Showing posts with the label Microsoft MB6-818- AX 2009 Financials paper

Microsoft MB6-818: AX 2009 Financials paper question 91 to 120

#91. You are the system administrator of dynamic s AX 2009. Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 allows creating many companies and defining intercompany relationships. In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, when a transaction is posted through an inte rcompany accounting daily journal, how many journals are posted? #1. There??s no limitation. #2. Two journals are created. #3. Three journals are created. #4. Only one journal is created. Vote     #1.  yes  11     #2.  no  7     #3.  no  0     #4.  no  0  #92. You are the system administrator of dynamics AX 2009. Your company uses Microsoft dynamics AX 2009. In your company, the Financial Controller plans to generate financial statements. The statements should report on each of the ledger accounts with cost c enter dimensions in different columns. In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, how is this achieved? #1. For ledger accounts and Cost cent...