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How to modify funding Source for particular Project contract In Ax 2012

How to modify funding Source for particular Project contract in Project Module. Below is the code sample to get Idea for the same. ProjFundingSource projFundingSource; ProjInvoiceTable projInvoiceTable; LogisticsLocation logisticsLocation,logisticsLocationNew; ; ttsBegin; while select projInvoiceTable where (projInvoiceTable.ProjInvoiceProjId != "PROJ_002834") { while select forUpdate projFundingSource where projFundingSource.ContractId == projInvoiceTable.ProjInvoiceProjId { projFundingSource.FundingSourceId = projInvoiceTable.fundingSourceName(); projFundingSource.InvoiceLocation = 0; projFundingSource.update(); } } ttsCommit;