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Showing posts with the label axapta classes

Modify a RunBase Class in MSD axapta

Modify a RunBase Class 1. Insert a queryRun variable in classDeclaration. 2. Define the query and initialize queryRun in new(). 3. Modify the pack() and unpack() methods. 4. Implement the methods queryRun() and showQueryValues(). 5. Fields and variables related to “From Account” and “To Account” should be removed from classDeclaration, getFromDialog(), and validate(). 6. Modify the run() method to use queryRun to fetch the records in LedgerTable. 7. Modify the dialog() method to take the correct parameters and insert a call to super().

principles of conversion between data types in Axapta

 P rinciples of conversion between data types in Axapta • Integers are converted to dates in expressions. • Primitive data types are implicitly converted upward. • Axapta includes built-in conversion functions for explicit conversion between primitive data types. • There is no implicit or explicit conversion between composite data types. • Classes are implicitly converted to their superclass or explicitly by casting. • Tables are automatically converted to a special table class called common.

Essential steps for developing an application in axapta

1. Obtain all the license codes that you need and install them. 2. Create all the configuration and security keys that you need. 3. Create all the extended data types that you need. 4. Create all base enumerators that you need. 5. Create all the tables that you need. 6. Create all the forms and reports that you need. 7. Create classes as needed to encapsulate functionality that is independent of the data or presentation layers of your application. 8. Create resources as needed. 9. Create queries as needed. 10. Create documentation as you go. 11. Create menus and menu items to allow users to invoke your forms, reports, and jobs,and execute processes represented by classes.

Class and dialog in axapta

DialogField DialogFromDate,DialogToDate; // DateTimeUtil fromDate; // DateTimeUtil toDate; FromDate fromDate; ToDate toDate; DateTimeAccepted tmpdate; protected Object dialog() { Object ret; DialogRunbase dialog; //= super(); ; Dialog = super(dialog); Dialog.caption("Percentage Calculation"); DialogFromDate = dialog.addField(typeid(FromDate)); DialogToDate = dialog.addField(typeid(ToDate)); return dialog; } public boolean getFromDialog() { boolean ret; ret = super(); fromDate=dialogFromDate.value(); toDate=dialogToDate.value(); return ret; } public container pack() { container ret; // ret = super(); return ret; }