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Showing posts with the label code to give rights to user for particular office in axapta

Display data of particular division and circles and filter data separated by comma

Display data of particular division and circles and filter data separated by comma public void UserRigths() { currentUserId = curUserId(); select * from sysCompanyUserInfo where sysCompanyUserInfo.UserId == currentUserID; if(sysCompanyUserInfo) { if(sysCompanyUserInfo.EmplId != "") { while select * from EmplTable2 where EmplTable2.EmplId == sysCompanyUserInfo.EmplId { d1 = System.Convert::ToString(EmplTable2.Dimension[2]); } if(d1 != "") { while select * from _OrganizationChart2_1 where _OrganizationChart2_1.WareHouseCode == d1 { _Office_type = _OrganizationChart2_1.Office_type; } } if (d1 != "") { if ((enum2str(_Office_type) == "Sachivalaya") || (enum2str(_Office_type) == "CE") || (enum2str(_Office_type) == "Circle") ) { while select * from _OrganizationChart2_2 where _OrganizationChart2_2.ParentWareHouseCode == d1 { OfficeName += _OrganizationC...