Fetch method is override method of report in axapta. You can Use temporary variable to distinct or group by element to fetch record in Axapta . By this example you can get only hints or idea to use in your report. public boolean fetch() { Query q = new Query(); QueryBuildDataSource qbds; ; q= this.query(); qbds = q.dataSourceTable(tablenum(LedgerTrans)); // qbds = q.addDataSource() qbds.addSortField(fieldnum(LedgerTrans,AccountNum)); rangeTransDate =qbds.findRange(fieldnum(LedgerTrans,TransDate)); purpose1 = qbds.findRange(FieldId2Ext(FieldNum(LedgerTrans, Dimension),3)); if(!rangeTransDate.value()) { rangeTransDate.value(queryRange(dateMin,dateMax)); fromdate= dateMin; todate =dateMax; } else { value=rangeTransDate.value(); if(strfind(value,".",1,11) != 0) { mindate1 =strdel(value,strfind(value,".",1,11),strlen(value)); maxdate1 =strDel(value,strfind(value,".",1,11)+1,-(strfind(val...
Microsoft Dynamics Ax,AIF,Axapta, Enterprise portal,,Microsoft , United State,U.S., SharePoint , BI Tools, Performance Tuning, SSRS,Business Logic,Ax ERP Errors and solution,Dynamics 365 Errors Solution,Business software .