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Showing posts with the label fetch

Flags control example in report of MSD Axapta

Flags control example in report of Axapta I think its going to difficult to understand. public boolean fetch() { // boolean ret; // ret = super(); boolean HeaderFlag; boolean ProgFlag; boolean FirstRun; Boolean HeaderOnFirstRun; QueryBuildDataSource qbds__RegBatchProcess; QueryBuildRange QrRegNo,qrcrop,rangeTransDate,QBR_TechYear; Query q = new Query(); ; q = this.query(); qbds__RegBatchProcess = q.dataSourceTable(tablenum(_RegBatchProcess)); //Add Sort Field qbds__RegBatchProcess.addSortField(fieldnum(_RegBatchProcess, InventLocationId));//1 Center qbds__RegBatchProcess.addSortField(fieldnum(_RegBatchProcess, _seasonid));//2 Season qbds__RegBatchProcess.addSortField(fieldnum(_RegBatchProcess,Stg));//3 Stage qbds__RegBatchProcess.addSortField(fieldnum(_RegBatchProcess, ItemId));//4 Crop qbds__RegBatchProcess.addSortField(fieldnum(_RegBatchProcess, CustAccount));//5 MPCode qbds__RegBatchProcess.addSortField(fieldnum(_RegBa...

Set date range to datasource in report fetch method in Microsoft Dynamics Ax

Set date range to datasource in report fetch method using Dynamics Ax querybuildrange  qbr; QueryRun qr = new queryrun(this.query()); ; qbr = qr.query().datasourcetable(tablenum(Inventtrans)).addrange(fieldnum(Inventtrans,DatePhysical)); qbr.value(queryrange(From_Date,To_Date)); element.send(Inventtrans); element.send(Test_1);

Simple Example of using tables in Query in MSD axapta Reprts

Simple Example of using tables in Query in axapta Reprts     Query q;     QueryRun qr;     QueryBuildDatasource qbds;     QueryBuildRange qbr;    InventTable inventtab;     ;     q = new Query();     qbds = q.addDataSource(tablenum(InventTable));     qbr = qbds.addRange(fieldNum(InventTable,Status));     qbr.value(queryValue(NoYes::No));     qr = new SysQueryRun(q);     while(     {     inventtab = qr.get(tableNum(InventTable));     info(inventtab.Itemid);     }

Section Group Report using fetch in MSDAX

In Section Group Report not using fetch(Query) only drag and drop the fields you want to get displayed from tables in datasource node In Section Group Report using fetch(Query)  drag and drop the field you want to displayed from tables in datasource node  and do the following public boolean fetch() { test_ItemYN test_ItemYN_Obj; QueryRun qr; QueryBuildDataSource qbds_test_ItemYN, qbds_test_Item_Price; Query q = new Query(); QueryBuildLink QueryBuildLink1; ; q = new query(); qbds_test_ItemYN = q.addDataSource(tableNum(test_ItemYN)); qbds_test_Item_Price = qbds_test_ItemYN.addDataSource(tablenum(test_Item_Price)); // qbds.addLink(fieldnum(pARENTtABLE, FD_Id), fieldnum(cHILDtABLE, Parent_FD_Id)); qbds_test_Item_Price.addLink(fieldnum(test_ItemYN, ItemId), fieldnum(test_Item_Price, ItemId)); qbds_test_Item_Price.relations(true); //qbds_test_Item_Price.joinMode(JoinMode::ExistsJoin);// JoinMode::InnerJoin ...

Send and run method in MSD axapta

Run Run() is called when the OK button is pressed in the dialog. Run() performs the following steps: If no generated design exists, a design is created on the fly based on the auto design. Call fetch() Call print() The method can be used for addingranges to the query after the Based On settings in the dialog Send Send() is related to fetch(). Fetch() iterates through the query records, and send() sends the records to the design. The method can be overridden to validate whether or not the record should be printed.

Definition of Fetch method in MSD axapta

Definition of Fetch method in axapta This method is the engine of the report. Fetch() opens the user dialog, selects the records from the database by processing the query and sending the records to be printed. This method is generally overridden,when an expression cannot be specified in a query.

Use of query elements in report using axapta

public boolean fetch() { QueryRun qr; QueryBuildRange rangeTransDate; Boolean ret; qr = new QueryRun(element); rangeTransDate = element.query().dataSourceTable(tablenum(CustTrans)).addRange(fieldnum(CustTrans, transDate)); rangeTransDate.value(queryRange(systemdateGet()-daysBack, systemDateGet())); rangeTransDate.status(RangeStatus::LOCKED);"%1, %2",, rangeTransDate.value())); if (qr.prompt() && element.prompt()) { while ( { custTable = qr.get(tableNum(CustTable)); custTrans = qr.get(tableNum(CustTrans)); if (!custTable) { ret = false; break; } if (qr.changed(tableNum(custTable))) { element.send(custTable, 1); } if (qr.changed(tableNum(custTrans))) { element.send(custTrans, 2); } } ret = true; } else ret = false; return ret; }

Fetch Method to make Trial balance quickly

This is simple Fetch Method to make Trial balance quickly. Some times standard trial balance does not match due to wrong customization of application so there may be data problem in ledger balance table then you can make trial balance by using LedgerTrans table. Performance of report will be slow but it can give accurate result. public boolean fetch() { Query q = new Query(); QueryBuildDataSource qbds; ; q= this.query(); qbds = q.dataSourceTable(tablenum(LedgerTrans)); qbds.addSortField(fieldnum(LedgerTrans,AccountNum)); rangeTransDate =qbds.findRange(fieldnum(LedgerTrans,TransDate)); purpose1 = qbds.findRange(FieldId2Ext(FieldNum(LedgerTrans, Dimension),3)); if(!rangeTransDate.value()) { rangeTransDate.value(queryRange(dateMin,dateMax)); fromdate= dateMin; todate =dateMax; } else { value=rangeTransDate.value(); if(strfind(value,".",1,11) != 0) { mindate1 =strdel(value,strfind(value,".",1,11),strle...

Add date range value from dialog to report through code in Axapta

This is a sample code to Add date range value from dialog to report through code in Axapta. This code is to use in report of Ax. Getfromdialog and dialog is overridden method in Ax report. public boolean getFromDialog() { ; cmbOfficeCode = dialogOffice.value(); // cmbProjId = dialogProjId.value(); DateType = dialogDateType.value(); fromdate = dialogfromdate.value(); todate = dialogtodate.value(); return true; } public Object dialog(Object _dialog) { DialogRunbase dialog = _dialog; ; cmbOfficeCode = InventId; cmbProjId = ProjId1; dialogOffice = dialog.addFieldValue(typeid(InventLocationId), cmbOfficeCode); //dialogProjId = dialog.addFieldValue(typeid(ProjId), cmbProjId); dialogDateType = dialog.addFieldValue(typeid(Irrigation_Date),"Select Date", "Select Date"); dialogFromDate = dialog.addFieldValue(typeid(FromDate), fromDate); dialogToDate = dialog.addFieldValue(typeid(ToDate), toDate); return dialo...

Example of Fetch Method in Axapta

This is sample code for fetch method for Ax reports. In this code you can get idea that how to add or find range on report ,How to add data source for table in report,how to user queryrun on report. How to send data to table to show on report and how to execute section on report. public boolean fetch() { boolean ret; // ret = super(); _Test _Test1; QueryBuildDataSource qbds; QueryBuildRange TestId2; Query q = new Query(); int i; str stri; str rowid; TestId testid1,oldtestid; ; q = this.query(); /* qbds = q.dataSourceTable(tablenum(_Question)); qbds.addRange(fieldnum(_Question,TestId)); TestId2=qbds.findRange(fieldnum(_Question,TestId)); queryRun = new queryRun(q);*/ qbds = q.dataSourceTable(tablenum(_Test)); qbds.addRange(fieldnum(_Test,TestId)); TestId2=qbds.findRange(fieldnum(_Test,TestId)); queryRun = new queryRun(q); oldtestid=""; while ( { // _question = queryRun.get(tablenum(...

Fetch Method in Ax Reports of Microsoft Dynamics axapta x++

This is example of Fetch Method in Ax Reports of Microsoft Dynamics axapta x++ language. By this example you can get Idea that how to declare variables to use querybuilddatasource at run time. You can see how to add query range in querybuilddatasource  object. Here report programmable section used to execute. public boolean fetch() { QueryBuildRange rangeStatus; Query q = new Query(); QueryBuildDataSource qbds; ; q = this.query(); qbds = q.dataSourceTable(tablenum(Table1)); if (groupByClosed1 == 1) { qbds.addRange(fieldnum(Table1,Closed)).value(enum2Value(groupByClosed1)); } if (groupByImplemented1 == 1) { qbds.addRange(fieldnum(Table1,Implemented)).value(enum2Value(groupByImplemented1)); } if (groupByPending1 == 1) { groupByPending1 = 0; qbds.addRange(fieldnum(Table1,Closed)).value(enum2Value(groupByPending1)); } qbds.addSortField(fieldnum(Table1,TicketNo)); queryRun = new QueryRun(q); while(