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Showing posts with the label interop assemblies

Question and answer on CLR in Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2009 x++

1. How do you make CLR Interop assemblies visible to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 X++ code? ANSWER: You add references to the assembly files in the AOT, under the References node. 2. Are CLR Interop assemblies, classes, and methods case-sensitive when referenced in X++ code? ANSWER: Yes. They are case sensitive 3. What code do you use, to provide Code Access Security permission to a CLR Interop class? MODEL ANSWER: new InteropPermission(InteropKind) 4. Which node on the AOT are Web service references found? ANSWER: The References node. 5. Which class contains multiple methods, using the kernel32.dll and user32.dll objects to communicate with the Windows environment? ANSWER: WinAPI