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Showing posts with the label Format Excel Worksheet of workbook in axapta

Format Excel Worksheet of workbook in MSD axapta

This is code hints to Format Excel Worksheet of workbook in axapta. You excel workbook will be in xls or in higher version. You can open excel sheet by using visible true property then you can use other properties like font,style etc     #Excel SysExcelApplication excelApp; SysExcelWorkbooks XLSWorkbooks; SysExcelWorkbook XLSWorkbook; SysExcelWorksheet sheet; SysExcelRange range; SysExcelStyles styles; SysExcelStyle style; SysExcelInterior interior; SysExcelFont font; COM _char, RangeComObj; ; excelApp = SysExcelApplication::construct(); excelApp.visible(true); XLSWorkbooks = excelApp.workbooks(); XLSWorkbook = XLSWorkbooks.add(); sheet = excelApp.activeSheet(); range = sheet.range('A1'); styles = XLSWorkbook.styles(); style = styles.add('MyStyle'); interior = st...