How to import xpo in axapta by code. You can write following code in job or any where you want to import like form,class,report etc. SysImportElements ElementToImport = new SysImportElements(); ; ElementToImport.newFile("D:\\TestProject.xpo"); // XPO filename which may be project,form,report or any thing from aot ElementToImport.parmImportAot(true); ElementToImport.parmImportWithIds(false); ElementToImport.import(); You write this code in method or can directly write in overridden method clicked on button control.
Microsoft Dynamics Ax,AIF,Axapta, Enterprise portal,,Microsoft , United State,U.S., SharePoint , BI Tools, Performance Tuning, SSRS,Business Logic,Ax ERP Errors and solution,Dynamics 365 Errors Solution,Business software .