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Showing posts with the label Data to .xls file

Code to create csv file from table data in MSDAX

If you want  Code to create csv file from table data using x++ code in Axapta application Try this code in job //Declaration of variables #File CommaTextIo commaTextIo; FileIOPermission permission; CustTable custTable; //assign file path and file name str fileName = strFmt('%1\\ax_%2.csv', WinAPI::getTempPath(), "Name"); // @"C:\My Documents\abc.csv"; ; permission = new FileIOPermission(fileName,#io_write); permission.assert(); commaTextIo = new CommaTextIo(fileName,#io_write); //select data in query to write in csv file while select custTable { commaTextIo.write(custTable.AccountNum,custTable.Name); } CodeAccessPermission::revertAssert(); //After execution of job you can see .csv file in temp folder