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Showing posts with the label report run class

Create report runtime in axapta through code

This is code sample to Create report runtime in axapta through code static void MakeReportInJob(Args _args) { #AOT str reportName = 'aatestReport'; tableid custTableId = tablenum(CustTable); TreeNode reportNode = TreeNode::findNode(#ReportsPath); Report areport; ReportDesign design; ReportAutoDesignSpecs specs; ReportSection section; ReportRun run; ; // Delete the report if it already exists areport = reportNode.AOTfindChild(reportName); if (areport) areport.AOTdelete(); // Build the report areport = reportNode.AOTadd(reportName); areport.query().addDataSource(custTableId); design = areport.addDesign('Design'); specs = design.autoDesignSpecs(); section = specs.addSection(ReportBlockType::Body, custTableId); section.addControl(custTableId, fieldnum(CustTable, AccountNum)); section.addControl(custTableId, fieldnum(CustTable, Name)); // Now the report will not prompt for user input areport.inter...