TDS settlement tables in axapta If you are looking for tables used for tds tax in axapta then I am mentioning here some tables which you can fire query from backend or sql to make correction for tds settlement. 1.TAXWITHHOLDTRANS_IN 2.TAXWITHHOLDSETTLETRANS_IN Fields name which usable to settlement of tds manually. 1.voucher 2. ORIGVOUCHER 3.TRANSDATE 4. DATAAREAID 5.TAXREPCOUNTER 6. TAXWITHHOLDGROUP 7.SETTLED
Microsoft Dynamics Ax,AIF,Axapta, Enterprise portal,,Microsoft , United State,U.S., SharePoint , BI Tools, Performance Tuning, SSRS,Business Logic,Ax ERP Errors and solution,Dynamics 365 Errors Solution,Business software .