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How to Filter Records in form from Combo box in Axapta

Lets you want to to Filter Records in form from Combo box in Axapta then this is sample example you need to create one method like this. WMSPickingRoute_ds.filter(fieldNum(WMSPickingRoute,ExpeditionStatus),queryValue(God_expeditionStatus.selection())); Then you can call that method in modified field method for that combo box. Like filter1 is method name then you can call it below way. public boolean modified() { boolean ret; ret = super(); this.filter1(); return ret; } I hope you get and Idea how to filter records for form in axapta.

Top 10 ERP Providers in the International Market

These are list for Top 10 ERP Providers in the Market.

Enterprise Resource Planning Timeline MSDAX

Definition of Fetch method in MSD axapta

Definition of Fetch method in axapta This method is the engine of the report. Fetch() opens the user dialog, selects the records from the database by processing the query and sending the records to be printed. This method is generally overridden,when an expression cannot be specified in a query.

Time Zones in axapta 2009

Time Zones Earlier versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX did not support multiple time zones,without setting up an Application Object Server for each time zone. Otherwise,customers who have users spread across multiple time zones needed all the clients to use a single time zone. Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 supports multiple time zones without the need to set up an AOS for each time zone. Time zone preferences are set at the user level,and information in date and time fields is displayed in the user's preferred timezone. This is helpful for any customer who has Microsoft Dynamics AX users in multiple time zones. All system Date and Time fields have been merged into DateTime fields that store values in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 converts all DateTime data to UTC before saving it to the database. Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 users can select a preferred time zone in which they want to view the DateTime data and the system will automatically convert ...

Create a new number sequence

Creating a new number sequence is achieved by creating a new reference for the sequence. Follow these steps to create a new number sequence: 1. Create a new Extended Data Type (EDT). Often this EDT extends num. This is not mandatory, but it is a best practice. 2. Decide which module’s parameters this number sequence reference should be included in, and find the corresponding NumberSeqReference sub class. 3. The loadModule() method shows a number of blocks of code, which creates records in the table NumberSequenceReference. 4. Copy one of these blocks and change the following fields: a. DataTypeID is the type Id of the new data type. b. referenceLabel is the description shown in the left column of the Number sequence tab on the parameters form. c. referenceHelp is the longer description of the reference shown in the top part of the Number sequence tab of the parameters form. d. sortfield defines the sequence that the references are displayed on the Num...

Microsoft Dynamics AX certification

Microsoft Certified IT Professional: Applications for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Note You must pass one required exam and three elective exams to obtain a certification. Exam title Exam number Required: Financials in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Exam MB6-818 Elective: Trade and Logistics in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Exam MB6-817 Elective: Development Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Exam MB6-819 Elective: Production in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Exam MB6-822 Elective: Project Series in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Exam MB6-823 Elective: Human Resource Management in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Exam MB6-824 Elective: Product Builder in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Exam MB6-826 Elective: Payroll in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Exam MB6-827 Microsoft Certified IT Professional: Developer for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Note You must pass two required exams and two elective exams to obtain a certification. Exam title Exam number Req...

Microsoft Dynamics AX development certification

Microsoft Dynamics AX development certification •Development – Introduction •Development – Enterprise Portal •Development – MorphX Solution •Financials •Human Resources Management •Installation and Configuration •Product Builder •Production •Project Series •Questionnaire •Sales and Marketing •Shop Floor Control •Trade and Logistics

Axapta Coverage

As per my experience and knowledge following places in India have nice axapta market. 1 Mumbai- Here Godrej infotech,TCS(Tata consultancy Services),NDS,L &T Info-tech etc working well in Axapta and lot of other companies also implemented Axapta. 2. Ahmedabad:- DevITP(Dev Information technology Pvt. Ltd) Ahmedbad,Indusa etc 3. Vadodara:- TDW,GERI(Gujarat Engineering Research Institute)  implemented Axapta etc 4. Pune 5. Bangalore 6. Hyderabad-Accenture 7. Delhi 8. Jaipur 9.Udaipur 10.Gurgaon 11.New Delhi 12-Gandhinagar-Gujarat Other Place like  Jamnagar etc also have good scope for axapta.


Struct A struct can be viewed upon as a class with no method, only attributes. It can store several values of different data types, but one struct can only hold one set of values. static void Collection_Struct(Args _args) { // Create a struct with two fields struct myCar = new struct ("int ModelYear; str Carbrand"); int i; ; // Set values to the fields myCar.value("ModelYear", 2000); myCar.value("Carbrand", "BMW"); // Add a new field and give it a value myCar.add("Model", "316"); // Loop through the fields of the struct for (i=1; i<=myCar.fields(); i++) { info(strfmt("FieldType: %1, FieldName: %2, Value: %3", myCar.fieldType(i), myCar.fieldName(i), myCar.value(myCar.fieldName(i)))); } }

Increase Serial number in axapta through code

This is sample code to Increase Serial number in axapta through code. There are two way to set serial number one is number sequence other is maintain sequence number by code. This is way to increase serial number if you do not want to use number sequence . display str privateMethod() { int ss=0; str SrNo; ActualWorkDet actualWorkDet1; Query query; QueryBuildDataSource queryBuildDataSource; QueryBuildRange queryBuildRange; QueryRun queryRun; int total; ; //itemid="CN-01"; //itemid=Itemhead.itemid(); itemid=ActualWorkHead.ProdId; if (itemid != "") { query = new Query(); queryBuildDataSource =query.addDataSource(tableNum(ActualWorkDet)); //queryBuildDataSource.addSelectionField(fieldNum(CopyOfItemRoutesDet,SrNo),SelectionField::count); queryBuildDataSource.addSelectionField(fieldnum(ActualWorkDet,SrNo), SelectionField::Max); //queryBuildDataSource.orderMode(OrderMode::GroupBy); queryBuildRange =queryB...

Example of Fetch Method in Axapta

This is sample code for fetch method for Ax reports. In this code you can get idea that how to add or find range on report ,How to add data source for table in report,how to user queryrun on report. How to send data to table to show on report and how to execute section on report. public boolean fetch() { boolean ret; // ret = super(); _Test _Test1; QueryBuildDataSource qbds; QueryBuildRange TestId2; Query q = new Query(); int i; str stri; str rowid; TestId testid1,oldtestid; ; q = this.query(); /* qbds = q.dataSourceTable(tablenum(_Question)); qbds.addRange(fieldnum(_Question,TestId)); TestId2=qbds.findRange(fieldnum(_Question,TestId)); queryRun = new queryRun(q);*/ qbds = q.dataSourceTable(tablenum(_Test)); qbds.addRange(fieldnum(_Test,TestId)); TestId2=qbds.findRange(fieldnum(_Test,TestId)); queryRun = new queryRun(q); oldtestid=""; while ( { // _question = queryRun.get(tablenum(...

add run time control in axapta

This is a sample code to add run time control in axapta form. This is not 100% accurate code but this can help you to create run time control. There is no guarantee that  run time control will work perfectly in Ax I tried it but did not get much success on this but what success I get I shared here. public void init() { int i; int a; int d; int j=0; str lable; DictTable dictTable; TableId tableID; //TestId testId1; FormStringControl fStringTestID; str GetParm; str ParmCaller; ///// FormBParams formBParams; Array items; object formRunCaller; //FormRun formRun; //Args args; ; // if( element.args() ) // { // get string parameter // testId1= this.TestID() ; formRunCaller = element.args().caller(); if(formRunCaller) { testId1=formRunCaller.MethodA(); } // } //ssss /*if(element.args()) { testId1=element.args().parm(); } if(element.args().caller()) {//element.args().record...