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Showing posts with the label init

How to Filter Records in form from Combo box in Axapta

Lets you want to to Filter Records in form from Combo box in Axapta then this is sample example you need to create one method like this. WMSPickingRoute_ds.filter(fieldNum(WMSPickingRoute,ExpeditionStatus),queryValue(God_expeditionStatus.selection())); Then you can call that method in modified field method for that combo box. Like filter1 is method name then you can call it below way. public boolean modified() { boolean ret; ret = super(); this.filter1(); return ret; } I hope you get and Idea how to filter records for form in axapta.

Execution sequence at the time of Report run in MSD axapta

  Report Run with execution sequence 1. Init ā€“ Called on Report is initialized. 2. Dialog / getFromDialog ā€“ Called before fetch to interact with Client. 3. Fetch ā€“ Do the following     a. Initialized the QueryRun     b. Prompt a Query     c. Prompt printer settings     d. Fetch the data     e. Send the data 4. Send ā€“ This method is activated every time a record is to be printed. 5. SectionId.ExecuteSection ā€“ print the control/s of the section