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Procedure to Creating Budget Models in Axapta

To create a budget model: 1. From the Navigation pane, click GENERAL LEDGERā†’SETUPā†’BUDGET MODEL. 2. Click Ctrl+N to create a new record. 3. In the Budget Model field, type the name. 4. In the Name field, type a description of the budget model. 5. Select the Cash flow forecasts check box to apply cash flow forecasts to this model Attaching Sub models To attach a submodel to a budget model: 1. From the Navigation pane, click GENERAL LEDGER ā†’ SETUP ā†’ BUDGET MODEL. 2. On the Overview tab, click the budget model to which the submodel will be attached. 3. Click the Submodel tab. 4. Click Ctrl+N to create a new record, click the arrow, and then click the submodel to be attached to this model.