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Showing posts with the label ax menu bar

Description of the menu bar button in MSD axapta

Description of the menu bar button is as follows: • New: Creates a new method within the selected element. • Save: Saves all the methods open in the method-list. • Run: Executes the method or class if it is executable. • Break point: Sets a break point at the line where the cursor has been placed. • Enable/Disable break point: Enables or disables a break point. • Remove all breakpoints: Removes all breakpoints for the current user. • Compile: Compiles and checks for errors in the code. • Lookup properties/methods: Displays help for the selected text if the cursor is placed over a core-function or method, list methods for a class, available values for enums, and so on. • Lookup label/text: Opens the label editor and searches for the selected text. • Scripts: Opens a context-menu that consists of small code snippets such as do-while loop, header comments, and so on. You can also create your own scripts by creating new methods in the Editor Scripts class. • Help: Di...