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Showing posts with the label Save value to table from run time control in Axapta

Save value to table from run time control in MSD Axapta

Save value to table from run time control in Axapta void SaveAll() { int i; int a; int c; boolean flg=true,flg1=true; FormStringControl FormStr1; FormStringControl formStringControl1; FormGroupControl formGroupControl1; str oldqid,tid,oldtxt; FormTabControl formTabControl1; FormTabPageControl formTabPageControl1; FormBuildTabControl formBuildTabControl; FormBuildGroupControl formBuildGroupControl; FormBuildTabPageControl formBuildTabPageControl; FormBuildStringControl formBuildStringControl; _TestResult _testResult1; str s,fcname; formControl fc,fc1; boolean f=false; FormStringControl control = element.controlCallingMethod(); Integer yy,x; int cnt=0,cnt1=0; str id,AnsTxtGrid; int t; int rcnt,tmpcnt,rowid1; str 10 AnsTxt; str lable; DictTable dictTable; TableId tableID; object formRunCaller; TestId testId2; ; idrow=1; rowid1=1; //tmpcnt=16; formRunCaller = element.args().calle...