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Showing posts with the label sysoperationprogress

Code to generate multiple progress bar in MSD axapta

#define.count1(10) #define.count2(5) #define.count3(20) #AviFiles // 3 bars. SysOperationProgress progress = new SysOperationProgress(3); int i, j, k; ; progress.setCaption("Your Process is in progress"); progress.setAnimation(#AviUpdate); // Bar 1. progress.setTotal(#count1, 1); // Bar 2. progress.setTotal(#count2, 2); // Bar 3. progress.setTotal(#count3, 3); for (i=0; i<#count1; i++) { // Bar 1. progress.setText(strfmt("Bar 1 - Step %1 of %2", i, #count1), 1); progress.setCount(i, 1); for (j=0; j<#count2; j++) { // Bar 2. progress.setText(strfmt("Bar 2 - Step %1 of %2", j, #count2), 2); progress.setCount(j, 2); for (k=0; k<#count3; k++) { // Bar 3. progress.setText( strfmt("Bar 3 - Step %1 of %2", k, #count3), 3); progress.set