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Showing posts with the label export data to csv

Code Sample to Export Assets Master Table Value to CSV in Axapta

This Code Sample to Export Assets Master Table Value to CSV in Axapta. You can take many columns and value from table . This is just an example. Query q; QueryBuildDataSource qbds; QueryBuildRange qbr; QueryRun qr; CommaIO commaIO; FileName fileName; InventTable inventTable; AssetTable AssetTable; ; fileName = "C:\\TestSupport\\" + "ItemDetails1" + ".csv"; //Destination of the file commaIO = new CommaIO(fileName,'W'); q = new Query(); qbds = q.addDataSource(tablenum(AssetTable)); qbr = qbds.addRange(fieldnum(AssetTable,Assetid)); //Range qr = new QueryRun(q); commaIO.write("ItemId","Item Type"); //Header of the CSV File //Loop to insert values in the csv from the table while( ) { AssetTable = qr.get(tablenum(AssetTable)); commaIO.write(AssetTable.AssetId,enum2str(AssetTable.AssetType)); break; } WINAPI::shellExecute(fileName);