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Showing posts with the label ax custom lookup

Managed Code Custom Lookup in Enterprise portal axapta

This is code hint for Managed Code Custom Lookup in Enterprise portal of axapta. protected void Name_Lookup(object sender, AxLookupEventArgs e) { AxLookup nameLookup = e.LookupControl; string partyName = "*"; try { // We set the lookup range based on either the name selected or "*" // We get the range value from the current view field value partyName = this.DataSourceView.DataSetView.GetCurrent().GetFieldValue("DirPartyTable!Name").ToString(); // Create the lookup dataset - we will do a lookup in the DirPartyTable table using (Proxy.SysDataSetBuilder sysDataSetBuilder = Proxy.SysDataSetBuilder.constructLookupDataSet(this.AxSession.AxaptaAdapter, TableMetadata.TableNum(this.AxSession, "DirPartyTable"))) { // Set the run time generated data set as the lookup data set nameLookup.LookupDataSet = new DataSet(this.AxSession, sysDataSetBuilder.toDataSet()); } // DataSet has to be init'ed before accessing th...