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Showing posts with the label instert record in ax through .net code

Code to Call AX class in .Net

Code to Call AX class in .Net using Microsoft.Dynamics.BusinessConnectorNet; namespace InsertAxRecord { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Axapta ax; AxaptaRecord record; try { // Create AX object and logon to AX ax = new Axapta(); ax.Logon(null, null, null, null); // Create a new AxaptaRecord object with // the name of the table as input parameter using (record = ax.CreateAxaptaRecord("ABCTable")) { // Remember to clear the tablebuffer if you are inserting inside a loop record.Clear(); record.InitValue(); // Set the fields in the table record.set_Field("ss", "dd"); record.set_Field("dd", ddg); record.set_Field("dd", "dd"); record.set_Field("df", "dff"); record.set_Field("dfd", dfdf); // Insert the record record.Insert(); } // End the AX session ax.Logoff(); } catch (Exception e) ...