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Showing posts with the label axapta .net business connector

Read data from an AX table using BusinessConnector

Read data from an AX table using BusinessConnector using System; using Microsoft.Dynamics.BusinessConnectorNet; namespace ReadAxRecord { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Axapta ax; AxaptaRecord record; Object Id, Brand, Year, mile; try { // Create AX object and logon to AX ax = new Axapta(); ax.Logon(null, null, null, null); // Create an AxaptaRecord object from the // table that will be used using (record = ax.CreateAxaptaRecord("CarTable")) { // Execute the statement entered as parameter record.ExecuteStmt("select * from %1 where %1.test like 'xa'"); // Loop through the result of the statement. while (record.Found) { // Set our local variables to be // equal to the fields in the table // for the current record. Id = record.get_Field("ID"); Brand = record.get_Field("BRAND"); Year = record.get_Field("YEAR"); ...