Display data of particular division and circles and filter data separated by comma public void UserRigths() { currentUserId = curUserId(); select * from sysCompanyUserInfo where sysCompanyUserInfo.UserId == currentUserID; if(sysCompanyUserInfo) { if(sysCompanyUserInfo.EmplId != "") { while select * from EmplTable2 where EmplTable2.EmplId == sysCompanyUserInfo.EmplId { d1 = System.Convert::ToString(EmplTable2.Dimension[2]); } if(d1 != "") { while select * from _OrganizationChart2_1 where _OrganizationChart2_1.WareHouseCode == d1 { _Office_type = _OrganizationChart2_1.Office_type; } } if (d1 != "") { if ((enum2str(_Office_type) == "Sachivalaya") || (enum2str(_Office_type) == "CE") || (enum2str(_Office_type) == "Circle") ) { while select * from _OrganizationChart2_2 where _OrganizationChart2_2.ParentWareHouseCode == d1 { OfficeName += _OrganizationC...
Microsoft Dynamics Ax,AIF,Axapta, Enterprise portal,,Microsoft , United State,U.S., SharePoint , BI Tools, Performance Tuning, SSRS,Business Logic,Ax ERP Errors and solution,Dynamics 365 Errors Solution,Business software .