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Showing posts with the label final type

Methods types in axapta

Methods  have the following type modifiers: ā€¢ abstract: The method is declared but not implemented and subclasses must define it; by default the method is concrete and implemented. ā€¢ display : The method returns a value used by a field in a form or report and canā€™t be changed. ā€¢ edit : The method returns a value used by a field in a form. ā€¢ final : The method canā€™t be overridden by subclasses; this modifier canā€™t be used with constructors and destructors. ā€¢ static : The method is a class method and is invoked using the ā€œ::ā€ notation on the class instead of on an object instance using the ā€œ.ā€ notation.