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Showing posts with the label dimension focus creation

Create a new dimension focus in axapta

Follow these steps to create a new Dimension focus for Account-Department. 1. To access the Dimension focuses form, click General ledger, click Setup, click Financial statement, and then click Dimension focuses. 2. Press CTRL+N to create a new dimension focus. 3. In the Set field, enter Acc-Dept. 4. In the Description field, enter Account – Department. 5. Click the Dimension tab. 6. Drag the Ledger account field from Available dimensions to Selected dimensions. 7. Drag the Department field from Available dimensions to Selected dimensions. 8. Click the Overview tab. 9. Press CTRL+S to save the record. Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 displays a confirmation message. 10. Click the Yes button. 11. Close the Dimension focuses form.