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Showing posts with the label menuitemoutputstr

For Loop Selection from Grid in MSD axapta

For Loop Selection from Grid Syntax of for loop will be like this for ( <your table object>= _formDS.getFirst(true) ? _formDS.getFirst(true) : [_args.record()]/ [TableName]; <your table object>; <your table object> = _formDS.getNext() ) { //you can understand better way by using this example. } for ( Employee1 = Employee_ds.getFirst(true) ? Employee_ds.getFirst(true) : Employee; Employee1; Employee1 = Employee_ds.getNext() ) { args.record(Employee1); new MenuFunction(menuitemoutputstr(EmployeeReport), MenuItemType::Output).run(args); }

passing variable through form to report in axapta

This is a sample code for passing variable through form to report in axapta public void sumss() { str ss; int tmp; ; //Element.selectMode(Element.control(Control::Sunny_CustMaster_NO));; for (Table1 = Table1_ds.getFirst(true) ? Table1_ds.getFirst(true) : Table1_ds.cursor(); Table1; Table1 = Table1_ds.getnext()) { tmp = Table1.SrNo; } iss = num2str(tmp,2,2,4,2); } call on clicked event of button Args args = new Args(); ; for (Table1_obj1 = Table1_ds.getFirst(true) ? Table1_ds.getFirst(true) : Table1; Table1_obj1; Table1_obj1 = Table1_ds.getNext()) { args.record(Table1_obj1); element.sumss(); args.parm(iss); new MenuFunction(menuitemoutputstr(Traveling_Voucher), MenuItemType::Output).run(args); } super(); Pass to report like this super(); //psum = element.args().record(); // sumss = element.args().parm("acc"); iss = element.args().parm(); element.SumRes(iss); Table12 = element.args...