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The Code Profiler in axapta

The Code Profiler in axapta This is a very powerful and advanced tool that you can use to profile your application and find out where time is being used. You can access it from the menu bar by selecting Tools āž¤Development Tools āž¤Code Profiler. Using it is pretty simple: 1. From the form that is displayed, click the Start button, and if you want to limit the calling depth that you want to profile, then specify it. 2. Run the functionality that you want to profile. 3. Go back to the code profile form and stop the profiler. 4. Finally, use the Profiler Runs button to see the profiler results in the respective form. Analyzing the data collected by the profiles is pretty straightforward for anyone with experience using code profiles. The only suggestion we have is to profile small pieces of functionality and clean up the data that is saved, because the quantities of data that it generates are very large, and you will quickly get bogged down in them if you donā€™t.