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Showing posts with the label query run prodtable

Tables used in production picking order in MSD axapta

Tables used in production picking order If you are trying to create production picking order through code then you may know two table prodtable and prodjournalbom but if you will insert record only on two table then some error you face. One internal table used which is prodbom table you also need to insert record in that table then you will not face any error.

How to concatenate multiple range from projTable

How to concatenate multiple range from projTable. Just use simple code here. static void concatenatemultipleRange(Args _args) { ProjTable ProjTable1; QueryBuildDataSource qbds; Query q = new Query(); queryRun queryRun1; str range; str 20 InventId; ProjTable ProjTable2; QueryBuildDataSource qbds1; Query q1 = new Query(); queryRun queryRun2; ProjTable ProjTable3; QueryBuildDataSource qbds2; Query q2 = new Query(); queryRun queryRun3; date startdate; ; startdate = str2date('31/07/2010',123); range = ''; q = new Query(); qbds = q.addDataSource(tablenum(ProjTable)); // dimensionRange = ProjTable_ds.query().dataSourceTable(TableNum(ProjTable)).addRange(FieldId2Ext(FieldNum(ProjTable, Dimension),2)); qbds.addRange(FieldId2Ext(FieldNum(ProjTable, Dimension),2)).value(''); qbds.addRange(fieldNum(ProjTable, Created)).value(strFmt('((Created >= %1)', date2StrXpp(startdate))); qbds.add...