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Step by step to Export table template in axapta using Excel Template Wizard MSDAX

If  You need to import any table data through template then you need to export template then fill the data then you need to import that template. To Get template of particular table  you can follow steps below..

1. Click Navigation Pane node: Administration -> Periodic -> Data export/import -> Excel spreadsheets -> Template Wizard.

Form name: Microsoft Office Excel Template Wizard
Fig 1.

Microsoft Office Excel Template Wizard

2. Click the Next > button.

3. Switch to the Open workbook tab on the Microsoft Office Excel Template Wizard form.


Open workbook tab on the Microsoft Office Excel Template Wizard

4. Change File name from '' to 'E:\test\doc\filename.xls'.

5. Click the Next > button.

6. Switch to the Select tables tab on the Microsoft Office Excel Template Wizard form.


 Select tables tab

7. Click the > button.

8. Click the Next > button.

9. Switch to the Generate field list tab on the Microsoft Office Excel Template Wizard form.


Generate field list tab

10. Click the Next > button.

11. Switch to the Select fields tab on the Microsoft Office Excel Template Wizard form.

 Microsoft Office Excel Template Wizard

12. Click the Next > button.

13. Switch to the Import definition group tab on the Microsoft Office Excel Template Wizard form.

 Import definition group tab

14. Click the Next > button.

15. Switch to the Export data tab on the Microsoft Office Excel Template Wizard form.


 Microsoft Office Excel Template Wizard

16. Switch to the Export data tab on the Microsoft Office Excel Template Wizard form.

17. Click the Next > button.

18. Switch to the Finished tab on the Microsoft Office Excel Template Wizard form.


19. Click the Finish button.

20. Close the Microsoft Office Excel Template Wizard form.

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