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Showing posts from February, 2011

Trade and logistics I in Microsoft Dynamics Ax 4.0

1 Introduction • Logistics and Trade Definition • Inventory Management • Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0: Physical and Financial Inventory Understanding the information Flow in Microsoft Dynamics 2 Working with Purchase and Sales Orders • Purchase order -Simple view • Create Purchase Order lines • Purchase Orders -Advanced view • Purchase Order Types • Sale Order Simple and Advanced view • Sales Order types • Purchase and Sales Parameters • Multiple ship to functionality • Enhanced delivery date control • Direct delivery 3 Quotations • Setup a Sales Quotation • Work with Quotations • Various Quotation functions 4 Inventory • Item Groups • Inventory Model Groups • Dimension Groups • Inventory Parameters • Creating Items • Units of measure and setting up unit conversion • Warehouse Management  • Setting Purchase, Cost and Sales Pricing of Items 5 Sales and Purchase Order • What is Posting ? • Post Purchase Orders • Updating sales Order • Sales Order Posting...

MD6-817-Trades and logistic paper question 1 to 62

MD6-817 #1. You are a new order processor in the Contoso company. You must enter a new sales order into the system. However, you are not sure that all the data is correct. Therefore, you would like a more experienced Order Processor to check it before confirming the order. How can you handle this in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009? #1. Create a sales order of the type Journal. #2. Create a sales order of the type Subscription. #3. Create a Blanket order. #4. Create a sales quotation. 1 #2. You are an order processor in the Contoso comp any. You want to validate an order entry setup for your best customers. It must be valid for all sites on every workday, at 4 p.m. How can you achieve this? #1. Select the All sites and All order group check box in the Activate order entry deadline combinations form. #2. Create a new entry order deadline group and approve it. #3. Activate assign an order entry deadline group to a customer. #4. Create a group, activate the combination, and set u...

set image using axapta

Image img; CompanyImage companyImage; ; companyImage = CompanyImage::find( InventTable.dataAreaId, InventTable.TableId, InventTable.RecId); if (companyImage.Image) { img = new Image(); img.setData(companyImage.Image); ItemImage.image(img); } else { ItemImage.image(null); }

Create csv file in axapta

CommaIo file; container line; LedgerTable ledgerTable; #define.filename('\\accounts.csv') #File ; file = new CommaIo(#filename, #io_write); if (!file || file.status() != IO_Status::Ok) { throw error("File cannot be opened."); } while select ledgerTable { line = [ ledgerTable.AccountNum, ledgerTable.AccountName]; file.writeExp(line); }

How to build query object in axapta

Query query; QueryBuildDataSource qbds1; QueryBuildDataSource qbds2; QueryBuildRange qbr1; QueryBuildRange qbr2; QueryRun queryRun; CustTable custTable; ; query = new Query(); qbds1 = query.addDataSource(tablenum(CustTable)); qbds1.addSortField( fieldnum(CustTable, Name), SortOrder::Ascending); qbr1 = qbds1.addRange(fieldnum(CustTable,Blocked)); qbr1.value(queryvalue(CustVendorBlocked::No)); qbr2 = qbds1.addRange(fieldnum(CustTable,CustGroup)); qbr2.value(queryvalue('10')); qbds2 = qbds1.addDataSource(tablenum(SalesTable)); qbds2.relations(false); qbds2.joinMode(JoinMode::ExistsJoin); qbds2.addLink( fieldnum(CustTable,AccountNum), fieldnum(SalesTable,CustAccount)); queryRun = new QueryRun(query); while ( { custTable = queryRun.get(tablenum(CustTable)); info(strfmt( "%1 - %2", custTable.Name, custTable.AccountNum)); } }

Adding document handling notes in Axapta

to Adding document handling notes write following code in a job DocuRef docuRef; #define.vend('V123') #define.docuType('Note') ; docuRef.RefCompanyId = curext(); docuRef.RefTableId = tablenum(VendTable); docuRef.RefRecId = VendTable::find(#vend).RecId; docuRef.TypeId = #docuType; docuRef.Name = 'ImportedT'; docuRef.Notes = 'This vendor imported.'; docuRef.insert();

Creating excel file in axapta

CustTable custTable; SysExcelApplication application; SysExcelWorkbooks workbooks; SysExcelWorkbook workbook; SysExcelWorksheets worksheets; SysExcelWorksheet worksheet; SysExcelCells cells; SysExcelCell cell; int row; ; application = SysExcelApplication::construct(); workbooks = application.workbooks(); workbook = workbooks.add(); worksheets = workbook.worksheets(); worksheet = worksheets.itemFromNum(1); cells = worksheet.cells(); cells.range('A:A').numberFormat('@'); while select custTable { row++; cell = cells.item(row, 1); cell.value(custTable.AccountNum); cell = cells.item(row, 2); cell.value(custTable.Name); } application.visible(true); }

copy customer records from one company to another using dynamics axapta

You can copy customer records from one company to another using dynamics axapta code. This is example of job. You can test this job by directly copy paste to new job in axapta. static void RecordCopy(Args _args) { CustTable custTable1; CustTable custTable2; ; custTable1 = CustTable::find('11111'); changecompany('TET') { ttsbegin; buf2buf(custTable1, custTable2); custTable2.AccountNum = '1234'; custTable2.PartyId = ''; custTable2.PartyId = DirParty::createPartyFromCommon( custTable2).PartyId; if (!custTable2.validateWrite()) { throw Exception::Error; } custTable2.insert(); ttscommit; } }

Create Virtual Company Accounts in Dynamics Axapta

1. In the Navigation Pane, click Administration, and then click Setup > Virtual company accounts. 2. Press CTRL+N to add a new virtual company account. 3. In the Company accounts field, type “VC”. 4. In the Name of the company accounts field, type “Virtual Company for Intercompany”. 5. Press CTRL+S to validate the line. 6. Click the Company accounts tab. 7. In the Remaining company accounts list, select “CEC”. 8. Click the left arrow to move the company to the Selected company accounts list. 9. Add the CEE Company and CEU Company to the Selected company accounts list. 10. Click the Table collections tab. 11. Click the first table collection in the Remaining table collections list. 12. Click the left arrow to move the table collection to the Selected table collections list. 13. Add the Global and InterCompany table collections to the Selected table collections list. 14. Close the Virtual company accounts form and then click OK to close the application. 15...

Steps to Create Company Accounts In axapta application

To Create Company Accounts In axapta application you can try following steps. 1. In the Navigation Pane, click Administration, and then click Common Forms > Company accounts. 2. Press CTRL+N to add a new company account. 3. In the Company accounts field, type “SDI”. 4. In the Name of company accounts field, type “Speaker Distributors, Inc.”. 5. Click the Domains tab and verify that the Admin domain is listed under Selected domains. 6. Click the Select button to open the new company. 7. Click the Company accounts tab, select “CEU” and then click Select.

Create Table Collections in Dynamics Axapta

1. Click the Application Object Tree icon on the toolbar. 2. Expand the Data Dictionary node by clicking the plus sign next to it. 3. Right-click Table Collections and then click New Table. 4. Click the new table collection and assign a name. 5. To add tables to this collection, open another instance of the AOT. The new AOT will open above the existing one. Select the top window and move it to the right. Use the following procedure to add tables to the new table collection: 1. Under Data Dictionary, expand the Tables node and then expand one of the standard table collections. 2. Drag the desired tables to the newly created table collection in the other AOT window. The new table collection is now ready for use in virtual companies.

Create a New Domain in Microsoft dynamics axapta

Use the following procedure to create a domain: 1. In the Navigation Pane, click Administration, and then Setup >Domains. 2. Press CTRL+N to add a new domain (or click the New icon on the toolbar). 3. In the Domain ID field, type a domain code. 4. In the Name field, type the name of the domain. 5. Click the Company accounts tab to assign existing company accounts to this domain. 6. In the Remaining company accounts list, click the company to add to this domain. 7. Click the left arrow to move the company to the Selected company accounts list.

AX 2009 Installation and Configuration question 1 to 56

Exam Name: AX 2009 Installation & Configuration Exam Type: Microsoft Exam Code: MB6-820 Total Questions: 100 Question: 1 You work in an International company which is called Luxwet. And you're in charge of the network of your company. Now you work as an installer intending to install multiple application instances. So how is this done in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009? A. There cannot be multiple Application instances on the same server. B. The installer will need to create a separate logical drive for each application instance. C. The instances can be installed on the same machine, but the installer must provide a separate root directory for each application. D. The installer supplies an application instance name for each instance. Then, all applications are installed in the same root folder. Answer: C Question: 2 You work in an International company which is called Luxwet. And you're in charge of the network of your company. Now you work as an implementer in...

AX 2009 Development Introduction question 1 to 50

Question: 1 You work in an International company which is called DONEX. And you're in charge of the network of your company. Now one of your colleagues asks for your help. He has no idea about IntelliMorph. So what's your answer? A. IntelliMorph is the tool you use to create a new label file. B. IntelliMoprh is the automatic layout generation of Forms, Reports and Menus. C. IntelliMorph is the Integrated Development Environment in Microsoft Dynamics AX. D. IntelliMorph is used when data from more than one table needs to be shown on a form or a report. Answer: B  Question: 2 You work in an International company which is called DONEX. And you're in charge of the network of your company. How can the StringSize property of a new extended data type, which is inherited from custAccount, be changed? A. By changing the StringSize on custAccount. B. By changing the StringSize on the new extended data type. C. The StringSize of extended data types CANNOT be changed. ...