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Showing posts from July, 2012

error code 10509 Check error. The check digit read in the data is in MSD axapta

You will run into this problem with entire table cached table is used in highly transactional scenarios. Entire Table Cache should be used only for static data which are updated rarely. An example would be a list of states. The entire table cache operates by offloading the entire table's data onto AOS to provide faster look ups. Whenever the data changes, the entire cache is flushed and the next read operation offloads the entire table again. This is performance intensive and not recommended for transactional tables. When this error happens, it means that some other process update the data in the entire table cache while it was being used by your process. To fix this problem, 1. If it is a high transaction table, do not use entire table cache. Use Found ; Empty instead. 2. If this is not a high transaction table but gets significant insert/update/delete during one specific process, disable cache in that process by setting .disa...

Steps to Create a virtual root in MSD Axapta

Steps to Create a virtual root 1. In IIS Manager, expand the local computer, expand the Web Sites or FTP Sites folder, right-click the site or folder within which you want to create the virtual directory, point to New, and then click Virtual Directory. The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard appears. 2. In the Alias box, type a name for the virtual directory, and then click Next. Choose a short name that is easy to type because the user types this name. 3. In the Path box, type or browse to the physical directory in which the virtual directory resides, and then click Next. 4. Under Allow the following permissions, select Read for all users, and then click Next. 5. Click Finish. The virtual directory is created below the currently selected folder level. Set the properties for the virtual directory you created 1. In the left pane of the IIS Manager, expand Web Sites, expand Default Web Site, right-click the folder where you installed the Application Integration Web services (...

Description of Relational operators in Microsoft dynamics Axapta x++

Description of Relational operators in Microsoft dynamics x++ Some of the most commonly used relational operators are as follows: • == returns true if both expressions are equal(its double equal to) • != returns true if the first expression is not equal to the second expressions(its not equal to) • && returns true if the first expression AND the second expression are true(its double ampherson) • || returns true if the first expression OR the second expression OR both are true(its or symbol) • ! returns true if the expression is false (can only be used with one expression) • >= returns true if the first expression is greater than or equal to the second expression • <= returns true if the first expression is less than or equal to the second expression • > returns true if the first expression is greater than the second expression • < returns true if the first expression is less than the second expression 

Description of Application object layers in Microsoft Dynamics axapta

Description of Application object layers in Dynamics SYS The standard application is implemented at the lowest level, the SYS layer. The application objects in the standard application can never be deleted. GLS When the application is modified to match country/region-specific legal demands these modifications are saved in a separate layer, the GLS layer. If an application object, for example, a form, is modified in the GLS layer,the modifications are saved in the GLS layer only and the modified version of the form is used. HFX HFX is an application object patch layer reserved by Microsoft for future patching or other updates. SL1, SL2,or SL3 A layer where the distributor can implement vertical partner solutions. SL is an abbreviation for Solution. BUS When a business partner creates their own generic solution, their modifications are saved in the BUS layer and the top-level application objects are used. VAR Value Added Resellers (VAR) can...

Code to image upload for particular record in MSD axapta

You can write following Code to image upload for particular record in axapta. You can this code in job or form. Here Winapi class used to check existence of file,file size. You can upload jpg or jpeg extension image file or you can add other extension like gif bmp etc . [handle, filename] = WinAPI::findFirstFile( path) while(filename !='') { if ( WinAPI::fileExists(filenam​e)) { [filepath,nameOfFile, extention] = fileNameSplit(filename); if(WinAPI::fileSize(filena​me)) { checkFailed("Error Message"); return; } if (extention == '.jpg' || extention == '.jpeg') { element.insert(); element.showLogo(); binData.loadFile(filename)​; imageContainer = binData.getData(); } numFileImport++; filename = WinAPI::findNextFile(handl​e); }

How to convert MSD axapta date to sql datetime in query

How to convert axapta date to sql datetime in query str sqlstr; sqlstr = "SELECT * FROM LedgerJournalTrans WHERE DATAAREAID=‘ " + curExt() + "‘ " + " AND CreatedDate<CAST(‘ " + date2str(str2date(’22/02/2006′,123),321,2,3,2,3,4) + " ‘ AS datetime) " + " AND CreatedDate> CAST(‘ " + date2str(str2date’20/02/2006′,123),321,2,3,2,3,4) + " ‘ AS datetime) "; CurExt() is a method to get current company. you can sql query in axapta and you can convert date to datetime in query as mention above/

How to delete Company in MSD axapta using sql script

How to delete Company in axapta using sql script sp_MSforeachtable is a stored procedure which can be used to  delete all records of a specific company using sql editor . Sometimes we not able to delete company from ax due to large size then this script example can be helpful for you. EXEC sp_MSforeachtable 'delete from ? where ?.DataAreaID = "TEST"' DELETE FROM DataArea WHERE DataArea.ID = 'TEST' DELETE FROM CompanyDomainList WHERE CompanyDomainList.CompanyID = 'TEST' Same steps you can repeat for other companies.

Lookup at runtime in Enterprise portal web form MSD ax 4.0

Lookup at runtime in Enterprise portal web form ax 4.0 webTableLookup webTableLookup; Query query; QueryBuildDataSource qbds; WebSession webSession = new WebSession(); ; query = new Query(); qbds = query.addDataSource(tablenum(testTable)); qbds.addSortField(fieldnum(testTable,colm1)); qbds.orderMode(orderMode::GroupBy); webTableLookup = webTableLookup::newParameters(tablenum(testTable)); webTableLookup.addLookupfield(fieldnum(testTable,colm1)); webTableLookup.selectField (fieldnum(testTable,colm1)); webTableLookup.parmQuery(query);; I hope this can help you a lot.

Pass table record to webform and redirect menuitem in enterprise portal MSDAX 4.0

Pass table record to webform and redirect menuitem in enterprise portal 4.0 WebLink webLink = new WebLink(); WebUrlMenuFunction wmf; str url; InventDim inventdim1; ; wmf = new WebUrlMenuFunction(weburlitemstr(ItemOnHand)); webLink.menufunction(wmf); select firstonly inventdim1 where inventdim1.InventLocationId == InventLocationId.valueStr() ; webLink.record(inventdim1); url = webLink.url(false); webSession().redirectURL(url);