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Showing posts from May, 2014

Countries List Which have users in Microsoft Dynamics Axapta ERP

This is Countries List Which have users in Microsoft ERP. If you are sales person and search job or projects on ERP then you can search in below countries. United States Saudi Arabia Turkey Indonesia Thailand South Africa Latvia Poland Bulgaria Lithuania Bangladesh Philippines Colombia Malaysia Jordan Qatar Egypt Pakistan Nigeria Chile Iceland Belarus Kenya Tunisia Georgia Vietnam Unknown Region Ukraine Zimbabwe Bolivia Papua New Guinea Kosovo Algeria Serbia Kuwait Estonia Bahrain United Kingdom Sri Lanka Slovenia Morocco Moldova Iraq Guatemala Fiji Ecuador Cyprus Costa Rica Afghanistan Zambia Yemen Venezuela Uzbekistan Uruguay United Arab Emirates Uganda Turks and Caicos Islands Trinidad and Tobago Togo Tanzania Syria Switzerland Swaziland Suriname Sudan South Korea Solomon Islands Singapore Seychelles Senegal Saint Lucia Réunion Rwanda Russia Puerto Rico Peru Paraguay Panama Palestine Oman Nicarag...

Add minutes code in MSD axapta 2009

You can add minutes to datetime following way.ACX_Base::getServerDateTime() method is used to get server current date time and addminutes is a method of datetimeutil class. info(strfmt("%1",DateTimeUtil::addMinutes(ACX_Base::getServerDateTime(), 540)));

Code to send mail From Enterprise portal web page using dataset in MSDAX

This is Code to send mail From Enterprise portal web page using dataset in axapta. Following code you can write in ascx page and you can get required mail parameter from dataset by writing data method with return values. string fromId, toId, smtpHost, userIdpw, Body; int smtpport; MailMessage message = new MailMessage(); SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient(); fromId = (string)this.DatasetNm.GetDataSet().DataSetRun.AxaptaObjectAdapter.Call("fromEmailId"); toId = (string)this.DatasetNm.GetDataSet().DataSetRun.AxaptaObjectAdapter.Call("toEmailId"); smtpHost = (string)this.DatasetNm.GetDataSet().DataSetRun.AxaptaObjectAdapter.Call("smtpHost"); smtpport = (int)this.DatasetNm.GetDataSet().DataSetRun.AxaptaObjectAdapter.Call("smtpport"); userIdpw = (string)this.DatasetNm.GetDataSet().DataSetRun.AxaptaObjectAdapter.Call("userIdpw"); Body = (string)this.DatasetNm.GetD...

Remove Identical objects in MSD axapta

This is very good link which I am posting here. code to remove identical copy X++ code to remove identical copy of object in axapta. If there is same copy of form1 as form2 then if you want to cleanup identical copy then you can use that link code in job. This code can work for var layer. You can also use same thing for user layer.