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Showing posts from October, 2014

Error while starting MSD Ax 2009 Instance

If you are facing below error while  while starting Ax 2009 Instance. "Concurrent number of AOS for this application Exceeds the licensed number". It means you have single AOS license but You have installed multiple AOS and trying to access using load balancing. You can solve your error following way. Open sql query editor and do following steps SELECT * FROM dbo.SysServerSessions WHERE Status = 1; Change the Status value by using following  update query: UPDATE  dbo.SysServerSessions SET Status = 0 WHERE Status = 1;

Workflow Known Error -Due date exceeded in MSD Ax 2012

This is Workflow Known Error -Due date exceeded in Ax 2012 but solution still not found on searching on internet. X++ Exception: invalid tracking submission expected context Workflow and expected type Submission actual context Workflow and actual type Fault. at SysWorkflow-faultWorkflowInstance SysWorkflow-internalFault SysWorkflow-fault WorkflowTrackingTable-saveTracking SysWorkflowWorkItem-escalate X++ Exception: invalid tracking submission expected context Workflow and expected type Submission actual context WorkItem and actual type DueDateExceeded. at WorkflowTrackingTable-saveTracking SysWorkflowWorkItem-escalate Could any one give right comment and answer I tried, IISReset,Full compilation of CIL and application,Restart AOS Services and Server but problem not resolved. Workflow stop working after this error.